Webinar: Insurance implications of the fallout from Covid-19

This webinar has now taken place. To view the full video, please click here: https://youtu.be/W_eMMGI7yv8

Join Directors Gordon Hazelton and Jake Mountford to discuss the insurance implications of the fallout from Covid-19. Your questions will be answered objectively and can be about all things business or related to the Coronavirus. Gain expert advice from the only independent Chartered Insurance Broker in Worcester.

This event will take place on Tuesday 19 May at 3.00pm for approximately 1 hour.

To register, attendees must first book their place online here.

Once registered, you will receive a password before the webinar is due to take place.

Click here to join and enter Meeting ID: 899 5135 1394 and password.

Please note: only registered attendees will be able to view the webinar.