For businesses and charities that are not eligible for the Local Restrictions Grant Scheme, the following support is available for the national Covid-19 restrictions that came into force on 5th January 2021:
- For those that are mandated to cease their main trading activity due to the restrictions but do not have a business rates assessment – A monthly grant payment for the period closed (Discretionary Grant Fund 3) and a one-off grant (Exceptional Circumstances Fund 2)
- For those that will lose 50% or more of their business income (turnover) for January 2021 compared to January 2020 (or October 2020 if not trading in January 2020) as a result of the Covid-19 restrictions or the situation – A one-off grant (Exceptional Circumstances Fund 2)
Further eligibility requirements
Your business must:
- Be a business or charity that has been mandated to cease their main trading activity but does not have a business rates assessment; or will lose 50% or more of their business income (turnover) for January 2021 compared to January 2020 (or October 2020 if not trading in January 2020) as a result of the covid-19 restrictions or the situation
- Be a micro business, small business or a registered charity
- Be trading on 4 January 2021
- Employ someone for at least 15 hours per week (charities can include volunteer time) and this can include the business owner(s) or director(s)
The above criteria relate to regular business operations based within Herefordshire. Therefore, a branch of a small business in Herefordshire with a business rates assessment would be eligible for funding.
Discretionary Grant Fund 3 – monthly grant payment
A monthly grant will be paid to businesses, without a business rates assessment, that evidence that they are mandated to close by the restrictions. A single award will be made, based on the evidenced number of full-time equivalent employees, as follows:
- 0 to 9 employees = £1,334
- 10 to 19 employees = £2,000
- 20 employees = £3,000
Exceptional Circumstances Fund 2 – one-off grant payment
A one-off grant will be paid to businesses, that will lose 50% or more of their turnover for January 2021 compared to January 2020 (or October 2020 if not trading in January 2020) as a result of the Covid-19 restrictions or the situation. In addition, businesses that evidence that they are mandated to close by the restrictions, will also receive a one-off grant in addition to the monthly payment through the Discretionary Grant Fund 3.
Please click here to apply for the scheme: