Could you be a superhero for childhood cancer charity?

Worcestershire based Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust needs your help.

Join us and 8 year old Mia (pictured), she is dressed as a childhood cancer superhero shortly after finishing treatment for cancer.

Could you be a superhero just for a day and help raise vital funds to support our fight against childhood cancer? Could you help us towards breaking down the barriers and help us raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of childhood cancer?

If you think you can, then we want you as part of the GKCCT Super Squad!

You don’t have to run at the speed of light or fly like a bird to be a superhero, your superpower will be to join us and help raise the money needed for us to continue combatting childhood cancer.

On April 28, we invite you to be part of our GKCCT Super Squad and from the comfort of your own home, school or place of work join us to help fund our vital work.

Whether you simply dress up as a superhero for the day or take on a superhero challenge (dressed as a superhero of course!), there really is something for everyone to get involved in and have some fun.

As a superhero you really could do anything…. march a mile a day, take part in a readathon, bake sale, run, walk or jog 5k, 10k whatever distance suits you. For our mini superheroes you could take on some chores around the house, see how many superhero jumps you can do in a set time. There really is so many amazing ways you can get involved.

Every single penny raised will go towards our frontline charity costs and will help us to continue supporting oncology families when they need us the most.

If you take part then let us know, we would love to see as many superhero photos as possible and if you are a ‘super superhero’ and raise over £50 for the Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust then we would love to send you one of our special GKCCT medals to show our appreciation.

Emma Williams, Office and Project Manager at the Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust comments: “we would really love it if we could get as many superheroes taking part, showing their support and their commitment in helping the GKCCT tackle childhood cancer. In the UK, a child or young person is diagnosed with cancer every two hours. Survival rates of childhood cancer are improving, but there is still a long way to go and we need superheroes to help us along this journey.

And of course we want people to have fun and what better way then to dress us as our favourite superhero”.

For more information please contact:
Emma Williams, Office & Project Manager
E: emmawilliams
Phone: 01905 885777