New posters for businesses to display
Now that the UK government has lifted all restrictions under step 4 of the roadmap, businesses are reminded to remove any outdated covid-secure posters they may still have on display. Updated workplace posters are available here to remind businesses and customers about the new workplace guidance and the behaviours that people should still adopt. Businesses can continue to display QR posters so that customers can continue to check-in to support the NHS Test and Trace programme.
New guidance on self-isolation published to protect key infrastructure
Businesses can now apply to exempt certain workers from NHS Test and Trace self-isolation rules under new guidance published last week. The guidance is not intended to cover whole sectors or job roles, but instead allows businesses to name specific individuals whose absence could cause major disruption to critical services such as food supply, transport or energy. Employers who believe that an individual should be exempt to prevent major disruption to critical services should apply to the relevant department. See further details
New advice on travelling to and from the office
To assist businesses as they prepare for employees to return to workplaces, the Department for Transport has issued updated guidance for passengers in England on how people can travel safely. Please see the assets for businesses here.