All guest accommodation providers can reopen from 4 July. This guidance for Hotels and Other Guest Accommodation sets out how to open businesses safely while minimising the risk of spreading coronavirus (COVID-19). Accommodation providers may also need to refer to guidance for Restaurants, Pubs, Bars and Takeaway Services, guidance for Small Marriages and Civil Partnerships, and guidance for Outdoor Playgrounds and Gyms, depending on the facilities and services available at their sites.
Hotels and other accommodation providers should not host conferences or events until guidance on mixing outside household groups is changed. Current government advice is that gatherings of more than 30 people should not be taking place. People should not gather indoors in groups of more than two households (a support bubble counts as one household) or gather outdoors in a group of more than six people from different households; gatherings larger than 6 should only take place if everyone is from just two households.
Where hotels have large grounds, these can be made available to the public as long as guidance on accessing green spaces safely is followed.
To read the full advice and guidance for accommodation providers, click here.