One of the key priorities facing all businesses and in fact society as a whole is being able to deliver on sustainable goals in order to meet net-zero targets and the pressure is on for each and every department will need to contribute. So how can technology play a key role in this, particularly the use of digital?
Stone Group are pleased to invite you to their Circular IT Management in Practice event at Stone HQ on 5th May 2022. Here, they will be discussing the latest technologies that are transforming business operations for a more sustainable future.
You will also have the opportunity to explore Stone’s IT Asset Disposal facility and see first-hand how IT recycling and the refurbishing process can provide you with a more circular approach to your IT strategy. Learn more about the latest green IT technologies on offer and enjoy live demonstrations and discussions from industry experts on how to embed greener technologies in your IT estate.
The itinerary; for the day:
09:15 Registration
10:00 Welcome
10:10 Sustainability and E-Waste: Our Journey
10:30 Refreshments & Vendor Showcase
11.00 Stone Ecommerce – Personalised Shopping experience
11.15 Stone 360 Demo
11:45 ITAD: Best Practice
12:00 Lunch & Vendor Showcase
13:00 Tour
13:45 Refreshments & Vendor Showcase
14:00 Vendor Presentations – 20-30 min slots: HP, Cisco, HPe,
16:00 Close
For more information and to register