Clap For Carers: Charity Initiative For Primrose Hospice

Carers across the country are on the front line dealing with the effects of coronavirus. We couldn’t be more thankful for the work you are doing. You are heroes!

Our Managing Director, James Godsall said, “We have been thinking hard about how we can do something to recognise and support the contribution that so many are making right now.”

That’s why we decided to launch our new charity initiative for Primrose Hospice, as a tribute to the dedication they show to those in their care. We will be donating £10 for every new annual policy we sell.*

“We have a longstanding relationship with Primrose and it became obvious that this is where we needed to focus our efforts.”

“The support they provide is incredible, and the challenges that they are currently facing are extraordinary. We hope to raise a meaningful amount for the cause.”

In a time where demand for their services has increased, their ability to fundraise has been reduced due to the closure of shops, events, gatherings etc.

For them to meet this demand we need to pull together as a community and help out where we can, not just for our charities but also our local businesses.

We want to play our bit in this fight, whether it’s providing the same great service you have come to expect or giving back to the community.

Call us on 01527 874092 or email for a free quote. This offer is valid from 23rd April 2020 to 30th June 2020.

Full details linked below

As a broker, we go beyond simply selling the appropriate policy; we want to develop meaningful relationships with our customers and truly understand your needs. You can be sure that we will look after your best interests.


  • We’re donating £10 to Primrose Hospice for every new annual policy we sell. Full T&Cs online
  • This is our way of paying tribute to the incredible care and support that Primrose show to those in their care. We would also like to thank all of the carers and key workers keeping our community going in these uncertain times.
  • We want to play our bit in this fight, whether it’s providing the same great service you have come to expect or giving back to the community.
  • Call our friendly team on 01527 874092 for a free quote built around you.
  • This offer is valid from 23rd April 2020 to 30th June 2020.