Chamber sign up for ‘We See You Campaign’ to spotlight hidden disabilities and workplace equality

The Herefordshire & Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce have joined businesses across the region in promoting greater diversity within the workplace.

The We See You campaign, organised by Chamber Members Landau will highlight the benefit to an organisation who commit to a more inclusive culture. By signing up to Landau’s campaign businesses & organisations are endorsing the initiative & pledging support for the We See You campaign to help drive greater diversity and inclusion in workplaces across the UK. By working together to support this initiative businesses will aim to drive down unemployment, provide opportunities and create greater diversity.

Landau CEO, Sonia Roberts, said: “Around 700,000 people in the UK have been diagnosed with autism yet only around 16% of them are in full-time education. Launching the We See You campaign allows us to shine a spotlight on those people with hidden disabilities and challenges who with the right help and training can be supported into the workforce.

“But throughout the year we will be focusing on a range of workplace equality and diversity issues and encouraging employers to really ‘see’ the individuals and the talent pool available to them.

“Getting more businesses to adopt a diverse and inclusive culture in their workplaces is also central to this campaign as this will help to broaden the opportunities for the most vulnerable people in our society and help reduce unemployment.”

On signing the We See You pledge, Dawn Hardman, Director of HR at the Chamber, said: “We are delighted to announce that we have recently signed the ‘We See You’ pledge launched by Chamber member Landau in April 2021.

“Local employers can play a huge part in helping and supporting vulnerable individuals into employment.  We are look forward to working closely with Landau to explore practical ways our organisation is able to assist and participate and hope to encourage other local employers to also take part.”

Throughout the year a number of workplace equality and diversity issues will be spotlighted along with those with hidden disabilities and challenges who could be supported within the workplace with the right help and training.

Businesses looking to sign the pledge can do so by visiting