Can you help Community First promote our rural businesses?

Government figures for Worcestershire and The Marches LEP areas show that out of 66,330 business units 31,165 are in rural areas. That’s 47% of our capacity to succeed and benefit both businesses and the communities.

Community First is a charity whose mission is to promote the wellbeing of rural communities across Herefordshire and Worcestershire. Their vision is that a healthy rural community is one with good physical, mental, social, environmental and economic health. Successful rural business is vital to this health.

Last year they were heavily involved in the Select Committee on the Rural Economy including bringing the Committee to Herefordshire to see rural businesses first-hand.

To ensure that they keep on the right track – getting the best strategic decisions and scrutinising the progress they need to get someone on their Board who shares the same ambition and can see the issues through the prism of business.

The commitment is not too onerous: five meetings per year. These meetings normally last about two hours and involve lively and interesting discussions, looking at progress and dealing with specific matters. Beyond that it is for Trustees themselves to decide how much time they want to spend. For some people that’s enough, while others want to get more involved in the detail. It’s your decision. Meetings normally take place in Malvern.

If you think this might be for you we would be delighted to talk it through. You can e-mail on or give a call to the Chair, Roger Britton on 07742 901865.