Businesses raise almost £18,000 during Primrose’s Corporate Challenge

FIRE walks, wearing yellow and limited-edition badges were just some of the ways businesses raised almost £18,000 during Primrose’s Corporate Challenge.

Businesses based around Worcestershire were given a £50 starter grant by the hospice and had 80 days to make as much money as possible for the hospice’s services.

Awards were handed out during the Primrose Ball where it was also revealed that Hogarths Stone Manor were the overall winners raising almost £5,000.

Sam Adkins, Sales Manager at Hogarths Stone Manor, said: “It was great to be involved in the Primrose Corporate Challenge 2019.

“It was even more exciting to be crowned Corporate Challenge champion!

“As a venue, it was an opportunity to compete with local businesses to raise much needed funds and it was great to get all the team at the hotel involved in our first ever firewalk.

“We are all looking forward to getting involved again in 2020.”

Amy Flemming, Corporate Fundraiser at Primrose Hospice, said: “We want to say a great big thank you to all the businesses that took part and supported Primrose during the Corporate Challenge.

“We were blown away by their enthusiasm and their ingenuity when it came to raising money for their local hospice.

“While I am sure the friendly competition did provide some motivation, we also know that the chance to support people with a life-limiting condition or experiencing a bereavement really spurred them on to raise as much as possible.

“Thank you to all those who took part and we hope even more businesses will sign up in 2020.”

Awards were also handed to Chris Hopkinson, director of Penguin Office Supplies for providing the competition’s Outstanding Moment by taking part in a wing walk and BoB Club Redditch for Team Spirit.

FBC Manby Bowdler won Best Use of Social Media while Stuart Allen from #WorcestershireHour won the Innovation award for using his £50 to create pin badges.

Also taking part in the competition were 21st Century Print, Bobby’s Foods, LK Hair, Bank Solicitors and Thomas Horton.

The money raised by the Corporate Challenge helps Primrose Hospice keep its services free for people with life-limiting conditions and their families as well as bereaved adults and children living in north east Worcestershire.

Last year, Primrose cost £1.75million to run and had to raise just under £1.5million of this total independently via fundraising activities, grants and trusts along with the generosity of the local community.

Primrose Hospice’s Corporate Challenge will return in 2020. Businesses can register their interest or sign up by emailing [email protected].