Business Worcestershire is helping local companies succeed

Businesses across Worcestershire are being invited to find out more about the range of business support programmes available from Worcestershire County Council. The ‘Business Worcestershire’ programmes, provided through the County Council with European funding offer support to businesses at each stage of their journey from concept to start up through to growth and investment.

The support programmes are designed to fill in the gaps and help businesses progress to the next stage. Support may be delivered in the form of expert advice, assessments, reviews and signposting towards funding.

Programmes include:

WINN – including Proof of Concept grant funding which provides guidance to protect and launch early stage innovations and ideas, as well as innovation focused events and business support.

Enterprising Worcestershire – which supports start-ups and early stage businesses through start-up advice, workshops and funding.

SME Growth Programme – which supports business growth and development.

Business Energy Efficiency Programme & Low Carbon Opportunities Programme – which helps businesses to reduce carbon emissions and save money on energy bills and supports renewable energy and low carbon innovation projects.

Businesses are not restricted to provision through just one programme, but can access a whole suite of support, depending on their individual needs and circumstances. The Business Worcestershire team are ready to provide clear advice and signposting to businesses, even if they don’t know where to start, as Councillor Ken Pollock, Cabinet Member responsible for Economy and Infrastructure says:

“Our programme of support for business is proven to make a real difference. So far, our support programmes combined have created 900 jobs in the county and there is more to come. Our programmes are designed to build up businesses, fill in the gaps and enable growth. So regardless of where you are in your business journey, we’re here to help you make it a success.”

In addition to supporting existing businesses in Worcestershire, Business Worcestershire programmes also help to attract new businesses and investment to the region, thanks to the promotion of ‘game changer’ sites including Worcester Six and Redditch Gateway.

Start-ups and SMEs looking for assistance should contact Worcestershire Business Central on 01905 677 888 to find out more about the support available. Further information can be found on the Worcestershire Business Central website at or by watching this video