Is your business struggling to fill vacancies? Do you have a skills gap? You are invited to the Wychavon District Council annual business ratepayers breakfast meeting to find out from Ben Mannion, Director of Hewett Recruitment & Chamber President, how to solve these critical issues facing so many businesses.
The business breakfast is on Wednesday 19 January 2022, 7.30am. to 9.30am. at Wychavon Civic Centre, Pershore, (parking is free of charge). The event will focus on recruitment, staffing, and skills. Skills Officer Sue Owens will talk about how to find the right apprentice for your business, and there will be further presentations on economic recovery, new initiatives in our town centres, your business rates for 2022/23, and the Council’s budget for the new year.
Come and join us for a delicious breakfast provided by Fantastically Fresh and hear about grants and business support from Worcestershire Business Central too.
It’s also an opportunity to view The Pillar the new dedicated business support hub.
Most of all Wychavon District Council would like to hear from you and what issues your business is experiencing, and what help is needed.
Please book early with [email protected].