ABE’s charitable donation to charity and fellow Chamber Members MBH

A generous gift from Chamber Members and Ledbury based logistics firm A.B.E. has resulted in local charity and fellow Chamber Members, Megan Baker House (MBH) being emblazoned on one of the company’s lorries, ready to travel all over the UK.

ABE managing director Clive Brooks drove the lorry to Ledbury Rugby Club for its launch amongst MBH beneficiaries, staff, supporters and chairman.  Many of those whose photos feature on the lorry were at the launch to see how big they had become.

Lee Gough, MBH CEO, was thrilled with the result: “How can anyone fail to notice this. ABE have supported us for many years and I can’t thank Clive enough for everything the company does for the charity.  We will be running a monthly competition on social media to see who can spot the lorry the furthest distance from Ledbury.”

MBH helps children and older people who suffer with movement issues from conditions such as cerebral palsy, dyspraxia, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis and other acquired brain injuries.  It costs £7,000 per week to operate and relies entirely on charitable donations and grants.  It receives no help from local or national government.