Chris began his professional rugby career with Worcester Warriors at 19, and just one year later he was devastated to be diagnosed with Type I Diabetes, fearing it would impact on his ambition to play at the very top of this demanding game. His fears were soon laid to rest by the club doctor who assured him that so long as he remained dedicated and driven there was no reason for him not to achieve his dream.
In conversation with a friend, he learned about Lynn, a Clinical Nutritionist practicing Functional Medicine and Nutrigenomics just a few miles away in Malvern. Lynn, a former college lecturer had had her own health issues, suffering a heart attack over 20 years ago when she was told she may die if she didn’t have a bypass operation within the next 10 years. Terrified by this prospect, she researched all she could, leading to extensive dietary and lifestyle changes that had such significant impact on her health she decided to study Nutritional Medicine at university for the next six years.
Chris said: “Diabetes was a ‘gift’ (yes a gift, and I know Lynn thinks her heart attack was a gift too) that opened my eyes to the impact the foods we eat have on our health and performance. Of course I had to learn all about carbohydrates and the effect these sugars had (and still have) on my blood glucose levels; constantly pricking my finger throughout the day to make sure I injected insulin as and when necessary. I feel extremely lucky to have been in the game this long (12 years), as the average rugby career length is just 7 years.”
However, when he first met Lynn in March 2018, he was suffering such high levels of inflammation and pain in his body that he couldn’t be certain he would be able to continue for much longer, let alone earn a contract anywhere.
Ready to make some seismic changes to his diet if necessary he found Lynn to be the fountain of all knowledge when it comes to nutrition and health, and she continues to impress him with her passion and desire to learn everything proven and emerging about this exciting field of alternative medicine.
Lynn produced a unique plan to encompass training schedules, pre and post matches, match days and general personalised nutrition that she has guided him through the past 18 months.
Chris said: “The results have been astounding – my diabetic control is the best it’s ever been with insulin dependence vastly reduced: aches, pains and inflammation substantially diminished -I can bounce out of bed the morning after a game!
“Best of all though, my testimonial year 18/19 has arguably been the best season of my career and at the ripe old age of 32 (ancient in rugby terms) I have earned a new 2-year contract extension at Worcester Warriors! Gone is the apprehensive 30 year old, instead, at 32 I’m excited about what I can bring to the game, my teammates and myself over the forthcoming 2 seasons.
“Lynn’s fervour for sharing her knowledge and educating others to experience optimal health has ignited a fire within that could rival my passion for the sport I love. We have found we make a great team and are so excited to be launching a new business venture together – one in which I hope to show as much energy and commitment as I have hopefully displayed in a Warriors jersey over the years.”
The launch of “Lyris – Empowering Health Solutions” will be at the upcoming Chamber Business Expo on Thursday 10 October.