Ursula Von der Leyen is the new President of the European Commission and David Sassoli has been elected as President of the European Parliament. On Tuesday 23 July 2019 the new Prime Minister, Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP, was announced. In light of the appointment of the new Prime Minister, the British Chambers of Commerce will be sending 15 specific steps that can be taken right now to rebuild business confidence swiftly in the coming days.
Upcoming dates
25 July: The House of Commons breaks for summer recess.
3 September: The House of Commons returns from summer recess.
17-18 October: European Council summit.
31 October: The date in law for the UK’s exit from the EU.
To view our Brexit Risk Register click here and to view the Chamber Brexit Checklist click here. The British Chambers of Commerce continue to lobby government to avoid a messy and disorderly Brexit by meeting with key officials across Whitehall including the Border Delivery Group, BEIS, HMRC and DExEU.