01905 673600
Start: 26th June 2025
From: 09:00 to 16:00
Herefordshire & Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce
Severn House
Prescott Drive
Warndon Business Park
“Research indicates that 93% of our message is “how” we communicate and 7% is the content or the “what.”
Good communication skills for managers and team members are vital and most managers recognise that communication skills are essential in business. Both managers and team members need to be able to communicate, build relationships and work with individuals at all levels and their behaviour and interpersonal skills can affect others both positively and negatively.
Course Overview
This Communicating for Success training course has been developed specifically with the needs of today’s workforce in mind. It looks at how to communicate effectively, finding the balance needed to motivate your team and achieve results while retaining their respect. It also examines best practice for communicating under pressure, and the best approach to use when working with difficult or confrontational team members. The programme will allow delegates to develop a greater awareness of the affect their behaviour has on others and increase their options when dealing with difficult staff, conflict or work-related problems.
Who is this course designed for?
Both managers and team members who need to communicate effectively with others and are looking for performance improvements on both an individual and team basis.
Course Content
• What makes people “difficult” to communicate with
• Eight types of difficult people at work and how to deal with them
• Using the Prime Directives looking at three critical factors in establishing trust
• Conflict Handling Styles – looking at the five most common conflict handling styles
• Role Play dealing with the Prime Directive and Conflict handling
• Barriers to Listening Effectively – Learning to Listen Properly
• Case Study – looking at the techniques and how you use them in a real work situation
• Negotiating positive outcomes – some quick tips on negotiating and how to apply them
• Action Plans
Places Available