Leading training provider launches free Maths course in Herefordshire after West Midlands success!

A course aiming to help Herefordshire companies upskill their staff in maths at no cost to them is being launched by a leading training provider after great success in the West Midlands.

The ‘Multiply’ programme, which helps working adults upskill in numeracy to support them in the workplace, is being run by national training provider PET-Xi Training in the county after the firm was contracted by Herefordshire Council to deliver the programme.

PET-Xi’s FREE Multiply programme helps towards building employee confidence, and develops numeracy skills, which in turn will boost your team’s confidence and productivity.

PET-Xi will begin delivering Multiply in Herefordshire on behalf of companies after successfully training more than 300 people in the West Midlands and Warwickshire.

What’s included….

Flexible learning options: Choose from online or in-person classes to fit your schedule.

Expert Tutors: Learn from experienced Tutors who specialise in making numeracy accessible.

Real-world applications: Discover how numeracy skills benefit your daily life and work.

No cost to you: The Multiply funding covers the full course fee and is completely FREE!

John Bulpitt, Contract Manager at PET-Xi, said: “Maths is a subject that plenty of people may have found difficult during their school days, and subsequently pushed it to one side.

“It means that companies may employ several people who lack confidence in their numerical skills. Certain companies may recognise this as a problem but cannot afford to pay for extra training.

“What Multiply does is refreshes learners with basics maths skills at no cost to their employer. This enables learners to not only build their confidence in maths again, but also benefits the businesses they work for.

“Completing the course makes it more likely they can progress onto more complex maths skills which may be required to excel in certain jobs, and businesses that invest in their employees’ numeracy skills tend to see increased productivity and higher retention.

“We’ve already had great success delivering the programme in the West Midlands and Warwickshire, and we’re delighted to be bringing it to Herefordshire as well.

“We hope to see similar results in Herefordshire and look forward to welcoming new learners onto the course.”

Learners taking Multiply have an initial assessment to determine their ability in maths, before undergoing guided learning with the help of PET-Xi tutors, who tailor the course depending on their skills. They then take an assessment at the end of the course and earn either a Level 1 or 2 qualification.

Courses are either delivered in-person in Hereford, or in online classrooms.

Companies looking to enrol their staff onto a course can do so by emailing John Bulpitt on:
[email protected] or calling 07880 192 079.