Hereford Production Company Rural Studios Awarded Funding as Part of BBC’s Small Indie Fund

Launched in 2020, the highly contested Small Indie Fund supports the growth of small independent production companies across the UK and will help Rural Studios to scale up its TV

Rural Studios currently has a returning show on BBC4, “The Read”, recently produced the centerpiece programme “Shakespeare’s Sonnets: A Modern Love Story” of the BBC’s Shakespeare
First Folio celebrations, and are currently in production on segments for BBC Daytime.

The BBC announced a total of 57 companies to be supported through this year’s fund, with Hereford’s Rural Studios one of only four companies chosen to represent the West Midlands.

Rural Studios’ Creative Director, Grant Black said:

“We’re delighted to be included in this years’ Small Indie Fund. As a relatively new production company, to have the backing and support of the BBC in such a meaningful way is priceless.”

Black added:
“Rural Studios is already carving out a reputation for creating great Factual and Arts programming and this support from the BBC will allow us to continue our mission to tell compelling stories by underrepresented voices on a national scale.”

Emma Kayee Head of Production, BBC said:

“The sheer number of strong applications we received is testament both to the outstanding talent in our independent film [and TV] sector and the unprecedented challenges so many producers are currently facing. We”re excited to be working with these ambitious, forward-thinking companies and we can”t wait to see what they do next.”