Wyevale Nurseries supplies stock for PoliNations in Birmingham

One of the country’s leading commercial nurseries has supplied a multitude of trees and shrubs for a project taking place in Birmingham from September 2-18 (2022).

Wyevale Nurseries in Hereford has provided stock for the event, which reflects on the UK’s complex histories surrounding migration and diversity while celebrating people’s differences, roots, and the future too.

Head of Business Support, Carol Dickinson explains: “PoliNations in Birmingham looks really exciting and it’s wonderful to be involved with this project. As well as looking at history, migration and diversity and celebrating this, it will also be emphasising the importance of access to green spaces and having a healthy planet too.

“We’re supplying a lot of the trees and shrubs such as Sambucus nigra, Liquidamber styraciflua Worplesdon, Acer x freemanii Celebration and Betula albosinensis Fascination, so we hope it’s a huge success and generates lots of interest from city residents and further afield too. We’re also encouraging as many of our staff as possible to visit it and asking them to feedback to us on anything that they found interesting as part of a personal development initiative we’re running.”

The event organisers are inviting visitors to step into a city-centre garden of magical proportions, where they will be welcomed by an array of colour and nature.

Carol adds: “Giant architectural trees and thousands of plants will transform Victoria Square in Birmingham into an urban oasis, which will host free events, workshops and performances including live music, dance, spoken word and drag.

“As the event’s website explains: This supernatural wonderland uncovers the origin stories of the plants we know so well – daisies, pansies, apple trees, roses – in fact these, and most of the plants we see in our gardens are not originally from the UK. They tell the story of journeys, movement, dispersal, and new roots. To find out more about the event, please visit its website: www.polinations.com.”

Wyevale Nurseries’ product selection is envied across the industry and the talented team regularly introduces new, award-winning plant varieties.

Its main business is to supply garden centres, landscape contractors, local authorities, foresters and landowners with a comprehensive array of trees, shrubs, hedging, herbaceous and specimen plants.

For further details about Wyevale Nurseries, which is based in Hereford, please call 01432 845 200 or visit www.wyevalenurseries.co.uk.