On 23 March, let’s take time to connect, supporting the millions of people who are grieving, and remembering the family, friends, neighbours and colleagues we’ve lost over the last two years.
Locally Covid-19 families Hereford is holding an event outside Hereford Cathedral at 11.00am on 23rd March, this will include a minuets silence at noon. There will be speakers, prayers and a choir as well as reading a list of those we have lost locally either directly or indirectly to Covid 19, as well as those we have not been able to mourn together due to restrictions. If you are not able to attend the service, the team are encouraging people to wear yellow to work and to take a moment at noon to reflect.
In the evening, local Landmarks and businesses are being asked to Light Hereford Yellow in remembrance and togetherness. We are hoping people will hold their own doorstep candle lit vigils at 8.00pm as well as decorating their gardens and homes with yellow ribbons and hearts.
So please light up or decorate your business yellow and support those who have lost so much.
Find out more here: https://www.mariecurie.org.uk/get-involved/day-of-reflection