QM Systems Charity Challenge

QM Systems’ charity challenge this year involves four of our colleagues completing the 3 Peaks Challenge, beginning on the 20th June 2021. The most common way of achieving this challenge is climbing each of the 3 peaks in succession of each other, and driving between each peak. We are going to climb each peak and then cycle to the next peak. For anyone who is not sure what the 3 Peaks Challenge is. It is the 3 highest points in UK: Snowdon (Wales), Scafell Pike (England), Ben Nevis (Scotland). It is a total of 500 Miles to cycle between the peaks. We are supporting three charities this year, hence our motif, ‘3 countries, 3 peaks, 3 charities’. The three charities this year are St. Richards Hospice, GKCCT (Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust) and for Jake Halling. Jake is a personal friend of one of our four participants, making this challenge very poignant.

We have invited GKCCT and St. Richards Hospice to be our continual charity partners because of the amazing work they consistently carry out. Unfortunately, statistically, most of us, at one point in our lives, will be directly affected by cancer and QM Systems could not be prouder to support these two charities who are essential to our communities.

Jake Halling

On Sunday 12th July 2020 Jake met with friends as he often did to take part in one of his favourite outdoor sporting activities of Downhill Mountain biking and jumping.

That day was no different to any other day the group of friends had met up as they always did, just doing what they so enjoyed.

Between them they’d fallen off on many occasions, but as the old adage goes, ‘you always get back on the bike’

But none of them could have foreseen what was round the corner for Jake on that day.

Jake successfully cleared and landed a very large and fast downhill jump, which he had done many times that day. But on this occasion when landing the jump his bikes ‘front suspension forks’ snapped off.

This resulted in the bike stopping immediately where Jake took the full force and speed of impact. Jakes body crashed through the handle bars and into the front wheel.

Apart from Jakes multiple facial injuries and a broken neck, he also broke the upper part of his back on impact.

The damage caused by his broken back resulted in a complete spinal cord injury, leaving Jake completely without use and feeling of his body from the chest down.

Jake is currently in Oswestry Hospital trying to come to terms with his life changing injuries.

St Richards Hospice

St Richard’s Hospice cares for adults with a serious progressive illness, improving their quality of life from diagnosis, during treatment and to their last days. We also support their loved ones.

St Richard’s is an independent registered charity. The majority of income is from public donations; this includes gifts in Wills, one off or regular donations, fundraising events and personal challenges, trading, legacies and grants from trusts and business sponsorship. Approximately a quarter of income is funded from the NHS.

We care for people with a serious progressive illness who have complex needs which cannot be met by other services. These include cancer and neurological, respiratory, cardiac and renal conditions.

All our services are available to people registered with a South Worcestershire GP. Our In-patient Unit cares for people across Worcestershire.

We care for people by:

early involvement in the course of a person’s illness alongside other therapies that are intended to prolong life

enabling people to manage their illness and remain independent for as long as possible

helping people to control their pain and other worrying symptoms

helping people with emotional, social, practical and spiritual issues

supporting families and carers before and through bereavement

working in partnership with other health care providers and organisations

encouraging wider understanding that death is a part of life

supporting the local community to be well informed about the care available to them

supporting the health and social care workforce through education to provide high-quality, individualised care.

Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust

The Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust was founded in memory of 4 year old Grace Kelly who passed away in 2014. The vision of the Trust was born from the inspiration that Grace imparted on the people she met. Grace was a compassionate and caring little girl, who looked after others before herself.

We are making a difference to other children whilst fulfilling Grace’s wish of helping others.

Grace’s Story

Grace was born on 9th July 2010. A petite and very caring little girl who loved to run, climb and be active. In September 2014, Grace started school. So small but proud in her new uniform.

A few weeks into term, Grace became suddenly unwell and was admitted to hospital. She was found to have a renal malignant rhabdoid tumour. Grace passed away just three weeks later on 8th November 2014 surrounded by her family. Grace was just 4 1/4 years of age when she died.

Out of this devastation, Grace’s wish of helping others has grown into an inspiring legacy that is helping save the lives of children diagnosed with cancer.

The team at the Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust works to raise awareness, fund research into rare cancers of childhood and produce educational materials. We also provide financial , practical and emotional support to families.

Childhood cancer is the number one medical cause of death of children in the UK. We are working to change this.

The Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust became a registered charity in June 2016.

Because the children of today all deserve a tomorrow.

If you are able to support us in this amazing effort, it will be very much appreciated

The money will be split 3 ways between the causes as follows:

Jake Halling will receive 50% of the donation pot

St Richard’s Hospice will receive 25% of the donation pot

Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust will receive 25% of the donation pot