Opportunity to meet HS2 Minister Andrew Stephenson MP

On Tuesday June 22 at 11am, the HS2 Minister Andrew Stephenson MP will be holding an online event ‘HS2: How can West Midlands businesses get involved?’


HS2 is a once in a generation opportunity to better connect UK towns and cities, regenerate communities and make a step change in the Government’s commitment to become Carbon Zero.

It is already helping to boost the West Midlands economy and that trend is expected to continue into the next decade and beyond.


Already 2,000 businesses are working on HS2, almost all of them are based in the UK and most are SMEs.


But there’s much more to come. Construction of the Birmingham – London phase of the railway is expected to create some 400,000 contract opportunities and businesses in the West Midlands are well placed to take advantage.


Hosted by HS2 Minister Andrew Stephenson, this is your opportunity to find out how West Midlands businesses can get involved and join the HS2 supply chain.


Hear from our supply chain team about how you can take the first step, no matter what the size or sector of business.


We’re also delighted to be joined by West Midlands-based McAuliffe Group who will be talking about how they got involved with HS2 and how it has helped their business to grow.


We will close the event with a Q&A so please join us and get involved in the conversation.


Anything you can do to encourage members to take part in this opportunity is appreciated. The sign up link is: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hs2-how-can-west-midlands-businesses-get-involved-tickets-158096337401


Any questions, drop me a line. We’re keen to expand our business supply chain base and your help in getting out word is vital.