Get Ahead in Digital Transformation Bootcamps move people into skilled digital occupations

A Worcestershire coaching company has seen a surge in the number of residents taking their virtually-delivered tech and digital coaching programmes.

Since launching the “Get Ahead in Digital Transformation” programme at the end of March 2020, The Development Manager (TDM) has seen consistently high numbers of people sign up to achieve tech and digital certifications and receive tailored professional coaching during their time in lockdown, in order to move them into a skilled tech or digital occupation.

The programme is delivered at no cost to the learner or their employer as TDM have received funding from the West Midlands Combined Authority to offer this coaching, to help the region’s workforce acquire the skills needed to thrive in a digitally-focused work environment. This will work toward addressing the regional and national productivity gap, whilst adding immense value and impact to countless employers who need this intel in their workforce, now more than ever.

The tech and digital courses that underpin the programme: Digital Marketing, Software Development, Cyber-security, Digital Transformation, Database Management and Building & Maintain IT Networks.

TDM representatives are making it their mission to use the bootcamps to support employers through their own versions of Digital transformation. Workforce skill sets are set to transform, meaning certain skills and job roles will decline as new emergent tech and digital roles appear and replace them. TDM wants to help employers invest in their current workforce and support them to up-skill via the Get Ahead in Digital Transformation Bootcamps that are still on offer.

Derrin Kent, Managing Director, The Development Manager Ltd said:

“This programme is an opportunity for our community to equip themselves with vital tech and digital skills that will help them to take the next step in their career or potentially even start a brand new one.”

“We support learners with invaluable GROW coaching to ensure they can implement these new skills, adding digital accountabilities to their new or existing roles.”

“To see so many people take up the opportunity this quickly is testament to the attitude of our region and to the quality of the programme and we’re excited to start working with so many fantastic people to help them create the lives and careers of their dreams.”

“Ensure the talent in your team stays and develop a high calibre of strong and motivated employees who are constantly evolving to bridge the skills gaps that are appearing.”

The eligibility criteria for any interested applicants are that you must be 18 years old, living in the West Midlands, unemployed or earning less than £30,000 per year and must have a right to work in the UK.

There are spaces still available on the programme and full information on how to apply can be found online at:

Please email [email protected] for more details.