Thursday 29 April 2021 – 9.30-11.00am
Join Visit Worcestershire for an online event looking at the future of tourism in Worcestershire post-lockdown and beyond.
The webinar will be looking at predictions, trends, and insights for the tourism sector post-lockdown. As well as the role, function, and purpose of Visit Worcestershire and initial thoughts from research done to create a new tourism strategy for the county.
There will be a chance for you to input and have your say with a live Q&A as well as learning more about the changes that Visit Worcestershire has already gone through.
You will also have the choice of attending 1 of 2 workshops:
- Reconnecting with your Marketplace – Discussing opportunities, positive language, knowing your customer, knowing your market (competition) collaboration and how to drive sales to get results
- Driving Revenue through Upselling – Discussing how upselling will not only drive revenue but enhance the customer experience which will lead to repeat business and recommendations.
You will be contacted before the event to confirm your workshop choice and to share a link to join the event.
Please register for your place before Friday 16 April 2021 by visiting the link here or emailing Dominique Bray: [email protected]