A new team of expert advisers has been recruited for the Marches Growth Hub in Herefordshire to provide detailed support to help the county’s businesses to grow.
Three independent advisers will support the hub across the county in its work to help businesses recover from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The hub – the one-stop gateway to business support and funding which is delivered in the county by Herefordshire Council – says the move will help it support more businesses than ever before.
The new advisers are Jack McCaughtrie of Core Tree social media marketing, Jon Johnson of Mountain Perspective and the IBD business advice group.
Lyndsay Francis, Marches Growth Hub Herefordshire manager, said the advisers would work with companies on a one-to-one basis to help them plan for the future and grow.
“The last year or so has been the hardest that many of our businesses have ever had and many have faced a real battle to survive. These additional advisers will help us support more businesses than ever and offer detailed, personalised help.
“Our advisers bring expertise and knowledge across a range of business issues and will play an important role in helping ensure that our business community can plan for the future with confidence.”
Jack McCaughtrie set up Core Tree to help businesses and organisations understand and utilise digital marketing effectively within the business strategy.
He supports businesses of all sizes in various areas, including marketing strategy, branding, social media, websites and content and has extensive experience across several sectors including manufacturing, professional services, agriculture and education.
Mountain Perspective director Jon Johnson has over 20 years’ experience in business management and consultancy. Starting in the field of agriculture, he has experience in project and change management in manufacturing, automation and tech, as well developing short, medium and long-term plans for a wide variety of sectors.
“Every business has a unique set of dynamics and challenges, and quite often being in the business makes it hard to get clear perspective of all that’s at play,” he said.
The IBD business advice group is over 200 specialist advisers that can help all businesses, from SMEs to larger corporations, with advice and guidance in a range of business issues, from re-imagining the business to keeping costs under control or building a strategic plan for the business.
To see how the new advisers can help please contact Marches Growth Hub Herefordshire on 01432 261758 or email [email protected]
More information about the Marches Growth Hub can be found at https://www.marchesgrowthhub.co.uk