2020 was not the year anyone expected, but Total Event were determined to use the industry closure as an opportunity to enhance their business and services. Knowing the importance organisers place on delivering successful events with quality stock, went about using the Covid ‘down time’ to make a difference to their customer’s experience when we all emerge on the other side.
What’s New?
Jake Walden, Director at Total Event explains:
“We have heavily invested in the key areas that are important to our customers. Our stock has been renovated in full to give a quality clean finish, our panels and aluminium are looking like new. We have a new 18T vehicle arriving early 2021 and have purchased a larger premises giving us more space for our new extended furniture range whilst also being a great location closer to the motorway networks.
Not only have we invested in our infrastructure, which is extremely important; having our own furniture range will now allow us to offer competitive furniture packages to exhibitors.
The live event environment and face to face interaction has always been irreplaceable for our organisers, although clearly more are now recognising how technology can form an integral part of their event setup and we look forward to sharing our expertise with them”.