Low carbon help for Herefordshire companies

Businesses are facing increasing pressure from customers to provide low carbon products and decarbonise their supply chain. It has been estimated that the UK low carbon economy could grow by an estimated 11% per year until 2030 – at a rate 4 times faster than the rest of the economy*.

In order to help Herefordshire businesses maximise opportunities in this thriving market, the Energy & Bioproducts Research Institute (EBRI) at Aston University is offering one-to-one events specially designed to help companies develop new low carbon product and service innovations, as well as get value from a variety of waste material.

Manufacturing, engineering, waste management, construction, financial services, agricultural, packaging, as well as food and drinks industries amongst others, can all benefit from an exclusive low carbon challenge consultation with EBRI.

“There are all sorts of options”, says Tim Miller, EBRI’s Director of Engagement, “Redundant material such as food waste, cardboard boxes, plastic waste, sawdust, waste oils, manure, hay straw, sugar beet residue, spent grain waste from breweries are only a few examples of waste that could potentially open up fresh possibilities”.

He continues: “Not only can we support entrepreneurs looking to either develop new low carbon products and services or turn waste material into energy, we can also help business owners looking to maximise the sustainability and energy efficiency of their property and land developments”.

During a 30 minute-consultation session, EBRI will discuss the particular low carbon challenge that the company is facing so that its team of experts can then devise a bespoke summary of their recommendations, research findings and other useful information to help the business. This will be provided a few days later at no cost to qualifying companies**.

This autumn EBRI will be holding low carbon challenge consultation sessions on the following:

  • Agricultural Waste
  • Brewers, Vineries, Cider Makers & Distillers
  • Buildings & Sites
  • Food & Drink
  • Plastics
  • Wood & Cardboard


To book a slot interested businesses can email [email protected], visit https://bioenergy-for-business.org/help-available-this-autumn-low-carbon-challenge-consultations/ or call 0121 204 3383