Following the government announcement on 1 August, employees are now being encouraged to start going back into their usual workplaces where they can. That means, whether because of this change in guidance or because of a change in the type or amount of work you can give your employees, you may now be looking to return members of staff to the workplace. But are you prepared from an HR point of view?
Although many people will be eager to get back to work, for others, it may be more difficult if they have childcare or shielding concerns. You may also find that some employees have enjoyed working from home and would like it to continue.
To help guide employers through these HR challenges, the experts of Citation, are running a free Member-exclusive webinar tackling all these issues and more.
Date: Thursday 24 September 2020
Time: 2.30-3.15pm
Join us: Please register online and you will receive an invite with a link to the webinar.
Their experts will also answer as many business-specific queries as they can, so come along armed with any questions you may have.
Places are first come, first serve, so please reserve your place today to avoid missing out. Once you have registered using the above link, please click here for further details for helpful tips on how to join on the day.