“Lockdown” learning for apprentices

Herefordshire and Worcestershire Group Training Association (HWGTA) Apprentices, Staff and Employers faced uncertainty back in March, with the Training Centres closed and many learners on furlough during the Covid-19 “lockdown”. Despite the speed of the lockdown and many guidelines to navigate, HWGTA rose to the challenge. An amazing 96% of Apprentices were kept in learning, with excellent co-operation from employers and learners in embracing the adjustments to the training delivery. The HWGTA team, together with the learners, are very grateful for the continued and vital support that employers have shown to the apprenticeship programmes during a difficult time. The objective moving forward will be to find the right balance between the use of technology and face to face learning, to ensure the best possible outcomes for students.

HWGTA are delighted to be able to begin delivering training again in both the Herefordshire and Worcestershire centres, particularly for Engineering learners who have required practical elements to completed as part of their apprenticeships. The Association continues to adapt to the latest guidelines, with positive feedback from apprentices and employers on the measures in place to protect those attending in person.

With the recent announcement by the Chancellor regarding his “plan for jobs”, HWGTA is uniquely placed to enable local employers to take advantage of up to £3000 incentives, available for hiring apprentices, and build their future workforce with skilled employees. HWGTA manages the recruitment of apprentices, matching them with local employers and qualifications relevant to their industry and job role. Training is delivered via blended learning methods and tailored to the needs of the Employer, with a dedicated monitoring officer assigned to each learner to support them on their apprenticeship journey.

If your business would like to find out more about Apprenticeships and the potential benefits on offer, please contact Hayley Grismond for a no obligation chat – 01432 377010 or [email protected].