Chat with a friendly British English Qualified Teacher to build your confidence and improve your Spoken English.

Brook Language Services is pleased to announce that it has been accepted into the Native Speakers Partnership Pool of, the membership-based website for freelance translators and interpreters, and now offers Native Speaker British English sessions via Zoom or Skype.

Michelle Ward is a UK-based British English native speaker with many years’ experience as a Qualified Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages (French, German and Russian) and Special Educational Needs.

During this time, she has worked with many types of learners, building their confidence and helping them to improve their spoken English:

• Ex-Pats and their Families
• Business Executives
• Refugees and Immigrants
• Adult Learners
• GCSE Pupils
• Tourists

She has a friendly manner and a clear, educated British English accent. She can adapt your sessions to your needs:

• gaining confidence in your speaking ability
• perfecting your accent
• enriching your vocabulary
• improving your knowledge of British culture and traditions
• revising before an examination
• practising your speech before an important presentation

For further information, please contact Brook Language Servics on 07901 522519 or [email protected] or visit the website: