Chamber launches ‘Shop In The Shires’ campaign to support Members

Be a part of the Chamber’s ‘Shop In The Shires’ campaign to promote businesses from across the two counties, completely free!

Back in March all over the world, people were suddenly asked to stay indoors to protect themselves and others. Now lockdowns are being relaxed businesses are beginning to restart and rebuild. However, with social distancing in some form expected to be with us for the long run,  it’s a worrying time for the businesses that make the two counties great.

We know that our counties are nothing without the businesses, restaurants, cafés, bars, pubs, theatres, music venues, nightclubs, cinemas, art galleries – and all the other local, independently run establishments where people come together to purchase products and services from each other. It’s a difficult time for businesses to get directly to their customers and potential new business while so much is changing.

We’re determined to help. That’s why, we’re launching our Shop In The Shires campaign by producing a printed supplement showcasing our Members, their products/services and spreading the word that they are open for business. This supplement will be included with the September/October edition of Business Direction magazine and over 4000 copies will be produced as well as a digital copy.

We are calling on our Members to be a part of this great campaign, completely free. Space is limited and demand will be high, so please send your submission in as soon as possible.

We’ve extended the deadline! The last chance to submit your stories is Monday 3 August 2020.

Members are asked to supply the following to be considered for the supplement:

  • Name of Business
  • Type of Service/Product
  • 150 word company profile
  • Contact details
  • Logo and images

Please send submission and associated imagery to: [email protected] to be considered.

The closing date for submissions is 3 August 2020.