Hereford BID to Launch Loyalty App

Hereford BID has commissioned the award-winning town/city promotion app LoyalFree to boost trade for local businesses as part of a major project within our business plan. Herefordshire Council have also kindly given a grant of £10k in support of the app which will become the successor to the famous Truffle Card.

What Will it Do for Me?

The app will promote various aspects of Hereford City Centre including tourism information, shop offers, event listings, interactive trails and more using an app and smartphone features such as QR codes – it really works! It will:

  1. Advertise your offers and events to locals and visitors with the option to run a ‘loyalty stamp’ scheme where possible
  2. Gives you back end data on  a live dashboard – so you can monitor success
  3. Allow click throughs to your website, social media, reviews and more
  4. Offers local trails on the app, e.g. such as Vegan, Family Friendly, Best Independents, Historical etc.
  5. Enables you to sell products or vouchers online without commission through the LoyalFree Marketplace

How much will it cost BID Businesses?

This service is free for members and is simple to set up.

Will it Work – Has it Worked Elsewhere?

The app is up and running in 19 towns and cities and you can easily see a demo of the main features of the app here or download from the Google/ Apple app stores. It has been a tremendous success.

I Want this – How do I Sign Up?

There are many ways for you to get involved. It is vital we populate the app with as much information as possible so we can launch this to the public and start to help your business and increase sales as soon as possible. We expect to launch to the public mid to late July. Get in touch today to learn how to make use of this Hereford BID funded service by emailing us here. We will:

  • Set up a shop profile for you on the app
  • Set up your offer (it is SO easy!)
  • Note any t&cs you want to apply

Getting the most of your Offers and Loyalty Promotions

  • The best offers are exclusive to the app – customers will not be able to get this anyway else
  • Simple offers or loyalty stamp based ones (done digitally) are a real hit with customers in getting them back again and again
  • Ideal for most shops including cafes
  • Customers simply scan a QR code with their phone (that we give you) to register their purchase

Examples include:

  • 6th coffee free
  • 10% off when you spend £20+

How will Hereford BID ensure this is a Success?

We will dedicate staff time to continually promote LoyalFree across the city and county for the next 5 years. Everyone will know about the app in time. Also, please remember that your input is minimal – we get the offers and details from you – you just let us know what you need.

The app will be promoted through local social media, events, billboards and press with the addition of competitions and contact to local employers to get involved.

Source: Hereford BID