Craft Cider Firm Sets Up Free Delivery Service to Encourage People to Stay at Home

As with most other businesses in the UK, Celtic Marches Beverages Ltd continued business as usual until the Government made the official decision to close restaurants, pubs, clubs, cancelled events and restricted all non-essential movement. As one of the UK’s largest self-sustaining cider producers, the impact was immediate. They supply the majority of their ciders to wholesalers across the UK and, although cider has seen its sales steadily strengthen outside of warmer weather, Easter is seen as the kick start to the ‘cider season’. Wholesalers adapted quickly to supply directly to the public, either to move stocks through before furloughing or to temporarily transform their business during the outbreak. Following the release of the Government support packages, most have opted to protect their business and staff by furloughing. With wholesale orders reduced they sought other routes to market.

“As the UK seemingly came to a halt, what became very clear to the public was that farming doesn’t stop; the constant demand for food production is a wheel that constantly turns. Our orchards and hops continue growing and lambing season was upon us before Covid-19 hit the UK. In order to continue beyond this pandemic, we have had to adapt quickly. Setting up, what was initially temporary, an ecommerce site. We launched sales to the public, initially for free local delivery and then increased to free UK Mainland delivery to meet demand. Where we’ve had to furlough staff, these sales will help us to top their wages up by the optional 20%. For us, the 20% wasn’t optional, we value our team and know that they give us 100% during highs and lows. We also saw this as an opportunity to support our NHS, encouraging people to stay at home and have their ciders delivered.”

With every sale, Celtic Marches Beverages are donating 5% to the NHS Charities Covid-19 Appeal.