Recruitment duo set for River Severn charity kayak challenge

Two Worcestershire-based recruitment specialists are set to take on a gruelling charity kayak challenge, which they are calling the 777 challenge, which will see them paddling the length of the River Severn over seven days and raising £7,000 for children’s charity New Hope.

James Cronin and Mike Pincott from Worcester jobs firm GMP Recruitment, will travel the whole 220 miles of the River Severn as they aim to raise the money for the charity, which provides specialist day care for children with disabilities and complex healthcare needs.

The pair, who are training round the clock to prepare for the event in September, will begin the charity challenge at the river’s origin in the Welsh mountains and travel through the Shropshire, Worcestershire and Gloucestershire countryside down to the Severn estuary in Bristol.

James Cronin said: “We are complete novices so we’re training hard, but also making sure we are fully aware of the safety precautions as the River Severn is notoriously treacherous.

“It’s going to be an exhausting seven days but it’s all to raise money for such a great and inspiring cause. Once we have some more river training under our belts, we’ll be ready to go.”

New Hope is especially close the Mike’s heart as his three-year-old daughter Ava lives with Angelman Syndrome – a genetic disorder which causes delayed development, problems with speech, balance and seizures.

Mike added: “New Hope is quite simply an amazing charity which helps so many children and their families to cope. Doing our kayak challenge for them makes it extra special.

“The tandem kayak challenge is certainly going to be interesting for two people who have never kayaked until now, so we’re massively out of our comfort zone. However, our training is going well and we’re determined to get through the seven days and have a big celebration when we reach Bristol.”

As part of the fundraising, businesses can also sponsor James and Mike by advertising on the kayak, paddles and even their shirts.

Readers looking to donate or businesses who want to become a sponsor can visit the team’s Just Giving page through or email

The kayak challenge follows another charity event last year which saw James, Mike and colleague Charlotte Harkin take on the Three Peaks Challenge with them raising  £10,000 for New Hope.