The Civic, Stourport


This is a little unusual compared to some of the other requests here, but its one that everyone could take part in.

The Civic is creating a new Exhibition – The ODD SOCK EXHIBITION

Everyone has odd socks.
It’s a fact of life.

Odd socks are a common phenomenon in every household. They are often seen as a nuisance, something to be discarded or tossed away. However, odd socks can also be seen as a symbol of individuality, creativity, and the unexpected.

One day they are a pair, and the next day, one is gone.

These socks usually don’t look like others.
If they were all dark blue socks with no colours, or pictures, or words then they would find another to be paired with, and they would not be odd anymore.

No, these are different.

These are the socks that once had purpose, socks that told stories, socks that meant something -and we want to explore that!
So we want your odd socks, and those of the entire community, to create this exhibition. If the sock has a story or a memory, we would love that as well to hang alongside it.

This exhibition will create a visual experience for visitors to the venue to engage with, and to allow the potential of community participation in producing and contributing to the exhibition.

So don’t throw those socks away – give them a chance to have purpose again.
More details can be found here: