01905 673600
Start: 21st November 2024
From: 10:00 to 11:00
The Health and Wellbeing Forum is an event series focusing on helping you understand what it takes to look after yourself as well as your colleagues within the workplace and beyond. The Health and Wellbeing Forum is a place to feel safe, calm and seen among like-minded peers, as well as experience ways to fulfill a healthy work environment from learning how to practice mindfulness, to hearing from industry professionals and more.
The speakers for this forum will be
Winners of Health & Wellbeing in the Workplace Chamber Award – Worcestershire Acute Hospital NHS (Jenni Carr-Smith, Sophie Burt Sue Hayes)
Diane Porterhouse – Bourne2 Care – menopause and how this impacts neurodivergent women at work
Please note for this event, we produce a full detailed delegates list which is distributed to all attendees. The list includes information including attendee name, attendee job title, attendee email address, company sector, company name, company address, website and telephone number. Any information that is updated in the Members area profile on our website will synchronise to our database, which is where the information for the delegates list is pulled from. This is optional and you have the right to withdraw your consent by letting the events team know by emailing events@hwchamber.co.uk up until the day prior to the event. All attendees who receive a delegates list must store and file the information correctly within the guidance of GDPR.
Places Available